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We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.

The workplace always holds courses and lectures on a regular and continuous basis in order to educate the employees and the public in these courses to increase the intellectual and scientific knowledge of those attending these courses and lectures. In one of the courses that was in the month of innovation, I was nominated with several of my colleagues at work and we were preparing an introductory course on innovation. In turn, we coordinated with a lecturer outside of work to take over the lecture in the course on the definition of innovation and its advantages. On the day of the lecture, when the employees and the public met, a text message was sent to us from the lecturer. What was coordinated with in advance was that it was not possible to attend due to emergency circumstances, and therefore we did not know how to act in such cases. However, I then decided to take the place of the lecturer and had to go up to the stage. At that time, I became confused and nervous and could not get up on the stage because there were many people. The employees and the audience. I was not accustomed to giving lectures before, and I do not have any experience in dealing with and how to speak and deliver in front of the audience.

Then one of my colleagues, who has a background in innovation, as she published a book entitled Innovation and Artificial Intelligence, and then she went up on the stage and gave a speech. and then I knew through her giving the lecture that she was also nervous. Then I knew that I had to go up on the stage, help her, and stand next to her, in order for us to continue giving the lecture and provide the employees and attendees with the largest amount of knowledge that we have, and to convey a clear idea about the topic. The course, which is innovation, and while my colleague was speaking to the audience, and through the course, she opened a door for the participants if they had questions about the topic or any problems about innovation. At that time, I was with my colleague on the stage, and during the discussion, I answered some questions from the audience. At that time, I felt that I was not confused because I had integrated with the attendees and the audience, and my fear had disappeared, and I was able to answer some of the questions that were posed by the attendees with the knowledge that I had previously acquired, and when we finished the course, we gained the admiration of the attendees and employees.

I knew that I was able to challenge my fears and challenges, the difficulties that I face through the help of friends and practice, and not to close myself and my mind in a certain circle, and that I had to go out and think in a different way, in a positive way, not in a negative way, by facing my fears, not running away from them.

The fears that we do not face become our limits. I learned that fear is just an idea and that we can deal with it easily. I also learned that the desire for perfection is one of the causes of fears. For example, perfect appearance, perfect speech, perfect thoughts, perfect body, perfect position. The one who feels the desire for perfection is the person who is most afraid of confrontation. And appearing in front of others because he always feels inferior.

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